Fresh: Ajax Heart Rating System with JQuery and PHP
This is another Rating System and Im sure you can get many awesome rating and voting script at I used animate() function of jQuery to get some stylish effect.When I…
Super Ajax Polling/Voting System using JQuery, Ajax, PHP and MySQL
Polling system or Voting system is very common in web sites. Voting can be about your site or blog or some other thing just to get the user attention and get…
Ajax Stylish Captcha and Contact Form using JQuery and PHP.
First of all, thanks to all of my readers who like my work and prove this by sending feedbacks over facebook style tutorials. I always try to create some useful tutorials…
Youtube Style Share Button With URL Shortening using CURL, jQuery and PHP.
These days every website must contain a section that is called “Share This”. After creating facebook style posting and youtube style rating system I have now come to share…
YouTube Style Rating/Voting System using jQuery, Ajax and PHP. Ever Best Tutorial !
Today I have created Youtube style rating system which is also called thumbs up/down rating. It is 99% identical to original youtube rating system. I have tried my best…