jQuery is no doubt serving as the backbone of the web design and development industry. And in just a few years thousands of plugins have been developed by the jQuery community which has given a dramatic boost to this amazing framework. Below is a list of some amazing jQuery plugins which I found very interesting and useful to put here on 99Points.
Face Detection
A jQuery/Zepto Face Detection plugin that works on images and videos…
CoverVid is a very lightweight and fast plugin that makes HTML5 videos behaves like background cover image.
Material Design Hierarchical Display
Material Design plugin is for hierarchical display animation effect. Hierarchical Timing is a meaningful transition introduced in Google Material Design that focuses your user’s attention on an app or how an app element got from point A to point B.
scotchPanels.js is a jQuery plugin for easily creating off-canvas menus, navigations, and other panel types such as images, videos, and iframes. Scotch Panels are featured-packed and have a ton of different options for every skill level to tweak and implement into almost any project.
Tilt.js is a tiny requestAnimationFrame powered 60+fps lightweight parallax hover tilt effect for jQuery.
pagePiling is a brilliant plugin to create full-screen scrolling websites.
The resTables jQuery plugin allows you to easily make your table responsive. It has been created based on the stacktable.js concept by John Polacek.
Dense is a jQuery plugin that offers an easy way to serve device pixel ratio-aware images, bringing retina support to your website. Clear the blurry, images and be crisp.
GridTab is a lightweight jQuery plugin to create grid-based responsive tabs.
TwentyTwenty works by stacking two images on top of each other. As the slider moves across the image, it makes use of the CSS clip property to trim the image on the left. This allows the image on the right to show through the container.
An easy jQuery video plugin for managing background videos.
Flexdatalist is (another) jQuery autocomplete plugin with support for <datalist>.